
Our contact dermatitis clinic determines whether contact allergies cause rashy skin problems. This clinic can play an important role in the evaluation and management of eczema.

联系 dermatitis is when your skin reacts from direct contact with potential irritants or allergens such as:

  • Chemicals that are present in everyday products
  • 香料和防腐剂
  • 金属

皮疹, 湿疹的一种, starts at the site of contact but can spread to other areas of the skin. The red and itchy rash can get worse with continued contact with the irritant or allergen.


At your first visit or telemedicine consultation, we ask you questions about your rash history and exposures, 比如你的:

  • 爱好
  • 个人护理产品
  • 工作

We examine your skin of the affected areas and perform a skin biopsy if needed.


At your visit, we use a method called patch testing to identify potential causes of your dermatitis. We place a series of patch testing allergens on your back. We use overlying tape to ensure the patches stay in place and achieve good contact.


At your follow-up visit, we remove and read your first patches. Many of the substances may take longer to develop a reaction. So, we take a final reading 2 to 7 days after we've completed the patch placement.


During your final visit and second patch test, we read your tests and assign the strength of reactions to potential allergens.

We have an in-depth conversation with you about any positive reactions. We also give you a handout which details the possible locations of the allergens.

If appropriate, we assign you an ID from a personalized CAMP (联系 Allergen Management Program). This program allows you to find safe products to avoid allergic reactions.

联系 dermatitis frequently asked questions

Are the products I've been using for years potential allergens?

是的. You may get allergic contact dermatitis from ingredients in the products that you have been using for years on your skin.

How long are patches left on and can I shower?

We apply patches on your back on Mondays and then take them off on Wednesday for the first reading. Unfortunately, you cannot shower for the week that the patch testing occurs.

如果你有一个可拆卸的莲蓬头, you can shower around the patches and the areas where we applied the markings.

Should I avoid certain medications before patch testing?

是的, two weeks before patch testing, you should avoid taking:

  • 口服类固醇
  • Immunosuppressing agents, such as cyclosporine


If you have received a steroid shot, you should wait at least a month before patch testing.

If you start a new medication before patch testing, please call us before we perform the patch testing to make adjustments. Otherwise, the patches will not be accurate on these medications.

It is okay to take antihistamines during the test week, such as:

  • Allergra
  • 他定
  • 苯海拉明(苯海拉明)

What happens if I have a positive patch test?

You will develop an itchy, red, raised rash, about the size of a dime, over the positive test site.

We will discuss your positive patch test results in the context of your situation and determine if they are relevant. 然后, we'll create a CAMP list of safe products personalized to your skin allergies to avoid further allergic contact dermatitis.


For more information about patch testing, please refer to the following resources:


We provide services in 黎巴嫩, New Hampshire. We typically schedule appointments on the following days:

  • 星期一、星期三和星期五
  • Initial patch applications: Monday mornings
  • First and second patch testing reads are the following Wednesday and Friday

任命 to our clinic are by referral only. Please contact your dermatologist, allergist, and other physician to 获得推荐.


Before your visit, we review the information sent by your referring provider. We try to identify potential allergens and the need for supplemental patch testing panels.